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Weekdays from 3:00pm to 8:00pm at School of Rock Lubbock starting Sep 15, 2014
Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm at School of Rock Lubbock starting Sep 20, 2014
Inspiring the world to rock, on stage and in life!

With more than a decade of successful experience teaching music, School of Rock is the national leader in music education. Students learn from professional musicians in an interactive environment combining weekly private lessons and structured group rehearsals with the ultimate goal of performing live in front of real crowds. Areas of instruction include guitar, drums, keyboards, bass guitar and vocals and we accept students of all abilities – from kids just starting out to advanced players. Plus, Lubbock is the first School of Rock location that has been approved to offer a Christian Rock program for those interested! No matter what your rock music preference, you will love the Lubbock SoR! For additional information call 1-806-795-0506 or e-mail lubbock@schoolofrock.com

The School of Rock is a performance-based program, which is comprised of three areas for our students:

1.) Private one-on-one lessons with the best local professional rock musicians. In these lessons, theory is stressed and we teach our students to play their instruments correctly, starting with the fundamentals all the way through the most advanced techniques!

2.) Weekly band rehearsals with other students! In addition to practicing the techniques learned in lessons, our students are given songs to learn and to come to the school to play with their peers in a band setting. Our goal is to challenge, but not overwhelm our students. This is also a great opportunity for students to learn awesome communication skills and leadership! We really shouldn't have to say that one of the best things about this part of the program is it ROCKS...tons of fun making music with your rock friends!

3.) Finally, we get our students up on stage playing LIVE for real rock audiences at real rock venues. The regularly scheduled concerts put a stake in the ground and give the students a tangible goal to work toward! There is nothing like the feeling of performing as a band for your friends, family and fans!

So to sum up these 3 parts, the private lessons cover a great deal of ground in terms of musical theory and techniques, the rehearsals serve as preparation, and the proof is in the pudding with the live performances. A major component of the School Of Rock is that there is no substitute for actually doing something. Preparing for and playing ambitious live shows is the cornerstone of our teaching method. Every season, each student in the school participates in shows at major live music venues in the area.

The programs at School of Rock are much more comprehensive than typical music lessons, and we have experienced countless kids sticking with music far longer than conventional lessons, learning much faster, and becoming much more than simply proficient in their instruments. Our students learn to excel musically and in other areas of life! Students average 12-18 hours of instruction per month, and also are invited and encouraged to come to the school to practice, meet with peers, and become part of our amazing rock community!

Workshop - 2 day $150 Purchase required to enroll

Give the gift of a 2 day Rock N Roll camp experience!

Tours & Trials

Tour Free No purchase required to enroll

Classes and Rehearsals


Sub Vocal Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Sub Key Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Sub Guitar Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Sub Bass Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Sub Drum Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Trial Vocal Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Trial Key Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Trial Guitar Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Trial Bass Lesson Free No purchase required to enroll

Trial Drum Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Adult Programs


ROCK 101 CAMP 2023 $450 Purchase required to enroll

POP LEGENDS CAMP 2023 $450 Purchase required to enroll

ROOKIES CAMP 2023 $250 Purchase required to enroll

21st CENTURY ROCK CAMP 2023 $450 Purchase required to enroll

80s ROCK CAMP 2023 $450 Purchase required to enroll

ROCK 101 CAMP 2024 - FULL DAY $525 Purchase required to enroll

ROOKIES CAMP 2024 $300 Purchase required to enroll

ROCK 101 CAMP 2024 - HALF DAY $300 Purchase required to enroll

CLASSIC ROCK REWIND CAMP 2024 $525 Purchase required to enroll

BEST OF THE 90'S CAMP 2024 $525 Purchase required to enroll